Research Mission
The Social Psychology Laboratory at Bard College is a group of faculty and students who meet regularly to discuss current research and ongoing projects in Social Psychology. The lab has a particular focus on implicit social cognition - the study of attitudes, identities and beliefs that exist outside of conscious awareness yet influence behavior in unintentional and automatic ways. We investigate the fundamental ways in which such cognitions operate: how do they form, and how are they connected? At the same time, we are interested in ways in which such cognitions operate in the real world, and how an understanding of them can be applied to domains outside of the lab.
Students may become involved in the lab in a number of ways. Students may enroll for course credit during the semester by enrolling in PSY SOC (Advanced Methods: Social Psychology). Students will work on an ongoing project in the lab, and many students have gone on to present their work at local and national conferences. There are frequently paid and volunteer opportunities available as well during the academic year and summers. Students completing their Senior Project in Psychology also use the lab space and present their research in our weekly lab meetings. Please contact Professor Lane if you would like to get involved in the work of the lab.
Lab Space
We are located in Preston Suite 132. The lab space consists of shared common space with Bard's Cognitive Psychology Lab, as well as dedicated Social Psychology testing areas and student workspace. If you would like to participate in experiments (for pay or course credit), click here.
Methods of Research
We conduct research in traditional laboratory settings as well as outside of the lab. We frequently make use of web-based methods, via Project Implicit (for reaction-time based studies) and Survey Gizmo (for studies that rely on verbal reports).
Current Lab Members
- Audrey Malloy
- Joshua Velette
- Sage Warner
- William Flack
Former Lab Members
- Eva Frishberg
- Helena Wippick
- Maayan Eldar
- Marna Dunne
- Matt Phelps
- Lily Henry
- Nicole Qian
- Margaret Stevens
- Sophia Sutcliffe
- Patrick Lichtenstein
- Siira Rieschl
- Elyse Neubauer
- Samuya Dadoo
- Stephen Wyssenski
- Christina Wack